Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Things that annoy me

I realized a bit late that I'd forgotten to blog today. As I'm still making a half-hearted attempt to keep up with my belated "BEDA" plan, I shared my post-less woes with Kyle, who suggested I blog about annoying things.

Sounds as reasonable as anything. (I hope this doesn't make me sound bitter.) Things that annoy me:

My cough. Seriously, why won't it stop? Now my throat is sore and it makes me less than happy. I thought it was getting better this morning but it seems I was proven wrong. Oh well.

The sounds of people eating. Yes, humans are gross when we eat. Alas.

People who act like their personal preferences are irrefutable objective fact. "I don't personally find you attractive, so you're ugly and nobody will ever love you" etc.

Flip flops. No idea why, but I h9 them, I do.

Flashing banner ads, or ads with sudden sound. Don't get me wrong, I am all for the ad-based revenue model for websites and content providers, and I most certainly don't mind seeing an add or three as I browse my web comics, so long as they don't distract me with flashes and sound.

People who think that simply regurgitating pop culture references without any originality is clever or witty. Yes, I liked Portal too, but shouting "THE CAKE IS A LIE" every time someone talks about a particular bakery item doesn't make you funny. Similarly, as much as I love Monty Python, I grow weary of people who feel the need to shout "Ni" every time we walk past a shrubbery.

When my hair gets in my mouth. I do like having long hair, but it has its drawbacks.

Mildly related, when people feel the need to inform me that it's odd for me to have long hair while being male.

The list could go on but I'm tired, and some of these could be their own blog posts and also I don't want to seem all complainey. Maybe tomorrow I'll do a list of things I like.

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